Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Rule 2 You Can Do It Yourself

You are already doing many things perfectly without taking courses.
On the other hand how many years we spend in school, university and training centers and now we don't remember.
The point is that we do what we believe we can do.
These are the steps that we usually go through :
1-We try enough times.
2-Learn from our mistakes.
3-Persist enough time.
4- We succeed.
We are here....................................Steps................................We are there.
Sure, you'll make a few mistakes along the way - everyone does. The important distinction is that, instead of doing meaningless homework told by others, you're actively building your ownself or improving your career.
Finally, I want you to remember this:
"A man becomes what he think most of the time"
All the best
Ayman Amin
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ehab nasr said...

i agree with you ayman but i see that the most difficult thing is to know where you want to go, what is your target, then defining the way to reach this target,to make the right effort and to know the right route

"Effort is important but knowing where to make an effort makes all the difference"

Dr Ayman Amin said...

That's true Ehab, The question I want to ask does anyone knows our target better than us, O.K we can research, ask here and there but this will not cost us much.

One more thing, who is not in businessman in his life
who doesn't need motivation and inspiration,
who doesn't need leadership,
who is not a manager,
who doesn't gain if he learn humman and organisation behaviour,
I mean by personal development is not learning how to be an astrount or cardiologist but how to increase your productivity and personal growth in social as well as in business life through a series of readings and interaction with others experts in simillar fields of life....

I want to see your comment on my first post which come first targets or attitude, knowledge and skills(in other words the golden egg or the goose)